The “OP-R” meaning “Operation Re-integrate” is the most accurate GPS,WG one piece monitoring devices in the industry. It utilizes GPS, GPRS, GSM, and SMS technology that provides active/passive continuous monitoring in real time. Our single-device approach allows for increased freedom of movement without losing tracking accuracy. We are proud to be the only one in the market to support AGPS, DGPS that could increase accuracy around two meters and assist calculating offender’s position inside building.
The RFS plug is designed to work with the OP-R ankle bracelet as an indoor solution for the offender as it uses the latest wireless technology to reach our goal of power-saving and indoor positioning. Simple installation and powerful features allow the monitor agency to control the whereabouts of offenders, furthermore, in real time. (Presently being remodeled)
The OP-R ankle bracelet utilizes a highly-sensitive GPS U-Blox MAX8 GPS module augmented by U-Blox Quad Band which enables precise location identification in countries throughout the world; including urban and rural remote areas.
Domestic Violence is a crime that is growing to epic numbers in the Caribbean and the victims are counselled but what happens to the aggressors? Rehabilitation and monitoring is also very important as many aggressors under the supervision of the courts are given bail with no effective monitoring solution that incorporates both the victim and the aggressor.
With our OP-R Domestic Violence Solution we work closely with the judiciary and Police departments to enforce the restrictions from the court and monitor the activities of the victim and the aggressor that contact is not made which can lead to further harm to the victim or death. By tagging the aggressor and issuing the victim with a Domestic Violence Mobile Application or a GPS watch both with “Panic Buttons” law enforcement is equipped with a complete solution that will notify if the proximity order of the court is breached or receive an alert when the victim uses the “Panic Button” seeking immediate assistance.
OP-R-RFS specification
- Vibration alarm.
- Movement alarm.
- External power off alarm.
- Working voltage: AC, 85 – 265V.
- Working current: 1mA at 3.3V DC.
- Indoor dimension: >60M.
- Outdoor dimension: >120M.
- Back-up battery: 710mA.
- Bluetooth 4.0: Easy pairing with GAB-200 through GAB-RFA.
- Storage Temp. -40°C to +85°C.
- Operation Temp. -20°C to +60°C.
- Humidity 5%–95%non-condensing.
- Backup battery: 2270mAh.
- Currency (GSM open): < 15mAh.
- Currency (GSM/GPS open): < 35mAh.